Following standards of visible light communication were made in which Visible Light Communications Association (VLCA) had taken part.

  • Visible Light Communication standards of CP-1221 (Visible Light Communications System) and CP-1222 (Visible Light ID System) of JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) were made in 2006 by members of Visible Light Communications Consortium (VLCC),
    which is a predecessor of Visible Light Communications Association (VLCA).
  • Members of VLCC worked together again to make JEITA CP-1223 (Visible Light Beacon System) in 2013.
    CP-1223 is a simplified and improved version of CP-1222.
  • In 2013, “Visible Light Beacon System” was proposed to TC-100 of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) based on CP-1223, and its NP (New Proposal) was approved as IEC 62943 at the AGM meeting of TC-100 in May, 2014.
    Members of VLCA are now working on the standardization of IEC 62943 with experts of several countries.